Saturday, February 10, 2007

Smiles really are contagious

Ever come across someone who just looks like they're having a terrible day? Their facial muscles are screwed tight, they're slumped over with weariness, or they might even treat you unkindly (think: the teller at the bank, the person behind the counter at the convenience store). Have you ever wondered, "What's your problem?"

Saturday's challenge:
Make a complete stranger smile. Look them in the eyes, ask them how their day is going and actually listen to what they have to say. Then leave them with words of encouragement. They'll appreciate that someone - anyone - took the time to ask...and actually cared enough to stick around to listen. Then be sure to let me know how it went!

Be sure to check back for tomorrow's challenge...Peace!


Anonymous said...

It is absolutely true, smiles are contagious. I thinks that's why I smile a lot in my pics. There are so many terrible things going on around us, you have to take the time to love and appreciate and nourish what you have and smile about it

ThinkNappy said...

Great challenge. I did this today at the grocery store and the young lady thanked me for asking. Yay!

Teri said...

Hey ladies! First of all, thanks for being the first to sign my blog. I'm so happy! I'm happy that I can encourage you to "be about it"! (smile).

The Black Planeteer said...

How right you are! Oftentimes, we ask people how they're doing, but we don't stick around for the answer. I'll be sure to ask someone, wait for the answer, and offer words of encouragement. :)