Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Ponder this...

"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being. "
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

As an educator, nothing makes more sense to me or encourages me more than this quote. Let's face it, some people's personalities are just plain difficult to deal with. And we often don't feel like we have the patience to deal with it and it just becomes easier to write someone off and go about our business.

Today's challenge:
When someone upsets you and you're on the verge of telling them off, just think of this quote and pretend that the unpleasant encounter never happened and reply with something unexpectedly nice. You'll feel better that you didn't fly off the handle and that person will wonder what's wrong with you...and themselves.


Unknown said...

Girl you know!! nuff days I just say lord hold me! but I'm learning that everyday, like my grandmother always said..a soft answer turns away wrath! ( found somewhere in the Bible).
But u know whats so you get older u realize that there is somethings not worth arguing over...its just better letting them go! or simply just say something beautiful.

Girl I'm learning and loving life to its fullest..and everyday..I thank my good Jesus for allowing me to apperciate me and other around me, even those who seem to get on my last know why? its this simple.. becuase these is a lesson in every person, every day, every problem, every struggle and every joy..u just name it.

So let me end this blog! lol! before i get carried away!

but great refelection and thanks for the reminder!

Teri said...
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Teri said...

Thanks Carla. I was trying to find that Bible verse to go along with this, but I couldn't think of where it's located. Yup, somethings just aren't worth the drama. And, usually, the drama is caused by some underlying personal struggle. People don't set out to be mean or disagreeable, they've just been misled or mistreated. A smile from someone unexpected often helps to break down the barriers they've built.